HIV Action Day

Have you registered? It’s not too late!


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Register Training & Hill Visit Agendas Briefing Papers Dress Code Maps & Transportation Group Photo Mobile App


You can still join us to ensure that the diverse voices of the HIV community are heard. Make sure you register today.


Training: Tuesday, September 8th

2:00 PM Welcome by AIDS United & NMAC

2:10 PM Highly Impacted Communities

  • Prioritizing Transgender Women, Black Women, Gay Men and People Who Inject Drugs

2:45 PM Policy Update

  • Appropriations: Ryan White, NIH Research, STI & HIV Prevention, Global
  • Syringe Access: Lifting The Ban
  • Structural Interventions and Fighting Stigma Against PLWHA: REPEAL HIV Discrimination Act of 2015, structural interventions and food programs

3:45 PM Training Update From Soapbox

  • Review Tomorrow’s Schedule
  • Guidelines for Speaking to a Member of Congress
  • What Participants Should Expect

4:30 PM State Discussion

  • Introduction of Guides
  • Review Tomorrow’s Schedule
  • Update on Member of Congress to be Visited

4:50 PM Wrap-Up

Hill Visit: Wednesday, September 9th

8:00 AM Group Photo on the Marriott Marquis Hotel Steps

8:40 AM Buses leave for the Hill

9:30 AM Meet Your Senators

12:00 PM Lunch

1:30 PM Meet Your Member in the House

3:00 PM On your own

Briefing Papers

Briefing papers will be online by September 4th. Please read them. Printed packets will be available at September 8th at the training.

Maps & Transportation

Buses will bring participants to the hill the morning of September 9th. More details will be provided during the Training Day.

Meetings will end at different times, so you will be responsible to get back to the hotel on your own.

  • Sticking around? Consider taking a tour of the Capitol, which can be booked online. Library of Congress also books tours online.
  • Want to get back to the Marriott Marquis to settle in for USCA the next day?
    • Take the Metro: The Marriott Marquis is a 6 minute walk from Mt Vernon Sq/7th St-Convention Center on the Yellow/Green lines.
    • Take an Uber: Use the promo code USCA2015 for $20 of your first ride through the service.
    • Drive: Parking at the Marriott is approximately $45 per day, not including taxes or service charges. Click here to see other local parking garages.

Dress Code

  • September 8th, Training Day: Comfortable
  • September 9th, Hill Visits: When visiting members of Congress, it is important to dress appropriately, participants should dress in business wear, suits and jackets preferred.

Group photo

Before heading to the Hill, we would like to take a group photo with all the participants. Please be on the stairs at the Marriott Marquis Hotel at 8:30 AM for a group photo. The photo will be put on Instagram and Facebook.

Mobile app

Soapbox AppOn the Friday before lobby day, you will receive your code in order to log into the Soapbox app on your smartphone to access your schedule, talking points, the people you are grouped with, and real-time updates.

* Navigation icons on this page are courtesy of Webalys and Nick Frost.